


捐助詳情 Donation Details

捐款金額 Donation Amount

個人資訊 Personal Details

信用卡捐款 Online Payment

個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement

所收集及保存之個人資料絕對保密,只有本機構職員或本機構委託之機構才可以處理有關資料。以上資料只會用作寄發收據、籌募、宣傳活動/訓練課程或收集意見等推廣用途。根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例,您有權查閱及更正有關您的個人資料,請以書面形式通知香港華德福教育基金會瑪利亞書院。通知信件可傳真至 2387 6294 或電郵至 info@rsefhkmaria.edu.hk。 The information provided above will be handled solely by the RSEFHK MARIA COLLEGE staff or an authorized third-party entity and will be kept strictly confidential. Any personal data collected will be used for receipting, fundraising, promotional activities, training courses, conducting surveys, or other related promotional purposes. Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access and corrections with respect to your own personal data. For any inquiries, you can by written fax to 2387 6294 or email to info@rsefhkmaria.edu.hk.

Test Mode

備註 Remarks:

  1. 每次捐款達港幣一百元或以上可憑收據按《稅務條例》於報稅時申請扣除。 Official receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above for tax deduction.
  2. 香港華德福教育基金會瑪利亞書院將運用您的個人資料作捐款收據及通訊之用。We shall use your personal data for issuing receipts and communications.
  3. 根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例,您有權查閱及更正有關您的個人資料,請以書面形式通知香港華德福教育基金會瑪利亞書院。通知信件可傳真至 2387 6294 或電郵至handouts@rsefhkmaria.edu.hk。Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access and corrections with respect to your own personal data. For any inquiries, you can by written fax to 2387 6294 or email to info@rsefhkmaria.edu.hk.
  4.  (*) 為必須填寫部分, 用作處理捐款及/或寄發捐款收據(如適用) Mandatory fields for processing your donation and/or sending receipts (if applicable)